Peripheral neuropathy is a serious condition that affects 20 million people in the United States. Causing effects like numbness, weakness, pain, and paralysis, it can majorly disrupt daily life. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to find relief from these symptoms and recover your life.

If you suffer from pain at night from peripheral neuropathy, know that this is a common symptom that can be relieved. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to a nerve or system or nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. The sensitivity of these nerves may increase at night due to dropping temperatures or medications wearing off. It may also be the result of fatigue from the day and lack of distraction from pain at night.

Together, all these factors can work together to amplify pain and disrupt sleep, creating a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and worsening pain.

Stop the cycle today, and read on to find out how you can help peripheral neuropathy at night.

1. Warm up with blankets and a bath

Cooler temperatures may be to blame for triggering sharp or burning pains. As temperatures dip, your heart rate slows down, slowing the circulation of blood and exacerbating pain. To prevent this from affecting you, wrap up and warm up with blankets and extra layers. You can also soak your feet in warm water for foot pain relief. Just be careful not to overheat the water, as this can have an adverse effect on sensitive feet.

2. Switch up your sleeping position

Pain from peripheral neuropathy can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. One simple and effective trick to ease you into sleep is simply to change your sleeping position. Research on nocturnal neuropathic pain suggests that positions that extend the spine may decompress the nerves affecting feeling in the lower body and feet. To relieve your pain, try sleeping on a recliner, sleeping on one side with a pillow in between your thighs, or sleeping on your back with a pillow propped under your legs. Enjoy back pain relief, neck pain relief, and much-improved sleep.

3. Manage your blood sugar

Many cases of peripheral neuropathy develop as the result of diabetes. If you have diabetic neuropathy, take control of your blood sugar levels to avoid further damage to your nerves. Avoid rich desserts before bed, and enjoy a healthy dinner of lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of vegetables. It is also useful to monitor and record your levels to keep on track with your goals. A general guideline is to maintain levels between 80-130 mg/dL prior to eating and under 180 mg/dL after eating.

4. Find balance in your exercise routine

Exercising regularly is a natural way to reduce neuropathic pain by increasing blood and oxygen flow to your feet. But while you should try to keep active, don’t overdo it. Make sure to vary your fitness routines to exercise different parts of your body and prevent exhaustion. Soreness and fatigue from over-exercising can worsen pain from peripheral neuropathy at night.

5. Seek help from a therapist

Chronic stress doesn’t just weigh on the mind – it also takes its pound of flesh from the body. Daily stresses from troubles with work, relationships, finances, and other factors can worsen pain from peripheral neuropathy. So don’t let it fester. Talk to a therapist as well as a doctor for holistic solutions to your pain. Tools like cognitive behavioral therapy and practices like meditation can be powerful for fighting pain. With the right strategies, you can find freedom from the ill effects of peripheral neuropathy.

Seek help for peripheral neuropathy today! Contact Lewis Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center today for treatment and advice from the leading chiropractor in Baltimore, Marylan